Monday, July 19, 2010

A visit to the farm

Friday morning Critter and I drove 45 minutes north to Maggie's farm. This was quite a treat. We picked a variety of tomatoes, eggplant, squash, peppers, and flowers. Even though it was very hot and humid (especially in pants), it was worth it. There's nothing quite like picking vegetables off the vine with chickens squawking in the background. Afterwards we drove to a rock quarry to cool off for a few hours. We made goat cheese, cucumber, hummus, and tomato sandwiches for lunch.

What to do with all those tomatoes? I decided to roast some of the cherry tomatoes. I sliced them into thirds, and put them in a single layer into a ceramic baking dish. I drizzled them with olive oil, fresh herbs, salt and pepper. I baked them at 350 for 45 minutes. I tossed some onto a veggie pizza Saturday night and enjoyed them cold in a avocado-goat cheese salad for lunch on Sunday. You can store these in the fridge for a week or so, but mine will definitely be finished before then. More tomato recipes coming soon.

What are you making with all your tomatoes?


Jennifer said...

Sounds like a lovely trip the farm! I have tons of fresh tomatoes from the garden and yesterday made a roasted tomato and zucchini tart w. goats cheese and fresh basil. Tonight Im making some homemade heirloom tomato sauce to toss with some pasta with roasted veggies and smoked mozzarella. Cant get enough tomatoes right now either!

Britt said...

Just discovered your blog. It's delightful! Keep up the good work.


Raccoon & Rain

Unknown said...

Hi Jennifer, it was a great trip. I love summer because of tomatoes :)

Britt - Thanks for the nice words :)

angela@spinachtiger said...

I love visiting farms. Today, I went on a tour of our local dairy farm and brought back fresh cream. We have tomatoes in our garden and I'm going with Thomas Keller's marmalade. We will do tarts, gazpacho, and many caprese salads.

Lizzytish said...

I am constantly making salsa with my tomatoes and banana peppers (if only I could learn to grow cilantro successfully!), and my other favorite is caprese because I have a good basil crop.

Unknown said...

Angela + Lizzytish, those recipes sound amazing. I love making fresh salsa too. I've been thinking about canning some to have in the winter. Any tips or recipes?